Let us be open to other cultures.

9 en 10 november 2024
The Art of Juliette
I have been making Art since the very beginning, it is always my center and passion. After my studies I completely devoted myself to making works of art. My paintings have been shown in various galleries over the years. I have built up a large body of work, part of which hangs in private collections all over the world.
The influences of Juliette ‘s youth are symbolized in the use of eight- pointed stars throughout her work. The eight-pointed star and the circle are universal symbols in many religions and cultures.
For Juliette the paintings represent a juxtaposition of emotion and reason, at the intersection of feeling and thought.
As such, her work features a unique combination of abstract expressionism and geometric shapes.
The fact that she was born abroad gives a broader view of multiple cultures.
Her works are now part of private collections in Hong Kong, the Philippines, Indonesia, United Kingdom and throughout Europe.

Het geheim van de meester Kunstkring Eymerick Heeze
For Georgia O
Kunstkring Eymerick
Jubileum route
6 en 7 mei 2023 11.00- 17.00 uur
Dorpshuis het Perron

Visual arts festival ihaka xx+xy Leuven Belgium
photo wall of eight-pointed stars and the residual shapes in repetition